Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Should I distill my moonshine wash yet?

I put together a wash that was supposed to ferment in 6-14 days. I am on day 22 and the wash is still bubbling. Wait longer or go ahead and run it?

Does anyone have a good idea to put into this story?

She reads a book about the brain and that there were people out there who actually cut a small hole in their skull to get oxygen into and increase the ability toi think. So she decides to try this, with the predicted disastrous results

Does he like me or my bum?

I really like this boy hes 17 and im 15..but does he like he slided his bum against mine one time when walking past even though there was loads of room to get past...he seems to look at me friend sed that he looked at my bum when i turned around and his eyes always seem to look really bigg..but he never seems to make conversation and when i randomly appear sometimes and then he notices he like freaks out and turns around so he cant see me...btw we have never spoke...and we live apart but i will see him next in june at a party...i have made it soo obvious for him that i like does he like me or my bum and if you think he likes my bum how can i make him like me also why hasnt he bothered making convo if he knows im the really shy one and i dont think hes that shy...

Should we become friends again?

im a freshman in high skool and during my last year in middle skool i become friends with a girl. we hung out alot and became best friends. but the problem was that she was a 6 grader so she would be soo immature sometimes. so during the summer i just really got tired of her attitude and her also just being really immature so i just stopped talking to her. but now i kinda miss her and im wondering if we should become friends again..... now she is ind the 7th grade and im in the 9th

Prom chaperone or alumni?

Should I go as an honored alumni and be recognized in my fab dress or just go as a boring chaperone?

Is fatal attraction...?

... what you have when you skid off a slippery road in the Italian Alps in the wintertime because you got a blowout, lost control and went over a cliff?

Question on genetics. HELP?

If a black trotting horse is mated with a chestnut pacing horse, what are the possible genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring?

Who wants to see Matt Hughes as champ again???

Not me, I reallydon't like Hughes and to quote Matt Sera "Matt Hughes is kinda a ." That is the truth, I think Hughes is a and I was happy when GSP stomped him to win the title. I really hope that Hughes doesnt win the title back, time to get rid of him.

I need to put letters on a teddy bears shirt?

for valentines part of my gift is a teddy bear for the girl and im putting a shirt on him, the shirt is going to say "thats my german" because thats what my shirt said when we went to a sadies hawkins dance and hers said something idfferent. how do i put those words on the bears shirt? any ideas? simple is best that will last. thx

My snake is a picky eater?

I have a three year old ball python, and have always fed him live mice/rats. Last night the pet store was out of the right size rat live, so I bought him a frozen one. He spat it up twice and popped the guts out (so fun to clean up), and I was just wondering what was wrong? I made sure to thaw it out all the way and all.

Would you call this a personal attack?

"The problem is, and I dare say this, it doesn't look like Michelle Obama follows her own nutritionary, dietary advice," Limbaugh said Monday on his syndicated radio program. "And then we hear that she's out eating ribs at 1,500 calories a serving and 141 grams of fat per serving."

Why do you think the Europeans killed the Aztecs and Incas?

The Spanish conquistadores were motivated largely by power and when they discovered the riches of the Aztec and Inca empires, they coveted the wealth that would stem from the gold and the natural resources existing on their lands. There was also a great deal of racism at work since the Spaniards believed that the beliefs and customs of the Native Americans were inferior to theirs. However, despite the atrocities committed by the conquistadores, the Aztecs themselves were quite brutal toward their neighbors even before the Spaniards arrived. They were a rather warlike tribe themselves, and indulged in human sacrifice and other customs that people today would regard as barbaric.

Why did Palin beat around the bush on the gay marriage question?

Palin was dodgy on this. She didn't seem to want to come out and tell the truth. Maybe her view clashes with McCain's.

feeding related: Nipple stings, causes?

I'm not sure if this is it, but if a baby doesn't latch well it can make your nipple sore. As babies get older, they'll sometimes switch up their nursing style and then this happens. Be sure that your baby is latching far back and getting a real mouthful. If s/he doesn't latch well the first time, break the suction and try it again until s/he gets it right. It can help to gently pinch the side of your areola and push the nipple far back into the baby's mouth to encourage a good latch.

Tell me why white people cant say the "N" word ,?

but blacks can use it like it was an adjective. dont give me any crap either, its either offensive or its not. Dont even try the weak *** argument that its a cultural phrase because thats just bullsh*t. and anybody with any sense knows and recognizes that fact. I'll give you the answer.... it is because its a catch phrase to implicate "other than black" people as bigots.

If I continue eating like I do will I lose weight?

TO me this sounds like a pretty good diet full of vitamins and minerals that you need. you must remember tho that your body need a certain amount of fats and sugars in order to function properly. Also with a diet you need to exercise with a good exercise regime and a good diet you will lose weight.

My girlfriend refuses ?

if she doesn't want to tell you then i wouldn't pressure her, it's entirely possible she was aulted. just reure her that you are there if she ever needs to talk about it.

Help me i have no idea how to start off!!! please!!!!?

A flask filled with ethanol at 20.0 C has a total m of 61.742 g. the flask is emptied and some ball bearings with a m of 21.784 g are added to the flask. The flask is topped off with ethanol and now the total m is 81.604 g. Callculate the density of the ball bearings at 20.0 C. The density of ethanol at this temperature is 0.78945 g/cm3.


First thing is that you need to see if that is even legal. If you returned the iPod how in the hell can you be arrested? Sounds to me like its time to talk to a lawyer and get your name cleared.

Is it normal to feel horny when I cuddle/snuggle with my boyfriend?

Every time my boyfriend and I cuddle, hold hands, or even if he looks me in the eyes I get tingles down 'there' and have the urge to kiss him! When I'm with him I feel like I don't want to be anywhere else. We've been together for a month. Is this normal?

Yearbook Design?

It would help if it had a specific theme, maybe a collage type thing based around music, art and drama with a big wolf bursting through in the middle

I'm trying to trace my best friend from college, anna boyd, last i heard she had moved to canada?

we were at college together in nuneaton from 1995 to 1997 and she studied at leeds uni after that ... have been trying to get hold of her for years......

A manned mission to mars.?

If a country from earth sent a spaceship to Mars it seems that the only way it would work would be if they had a second ship orbiting mars to connect with after landing and then supply ships that met them on the way back so that they wouldn't have to bring all their fuel and food and water with them. Even then I would think it would cost 10 trillion dollars are still fail.

Titanic interview?

Yeah...if you check on the website you can find some...or you could also check youtube, I'm sure they'd have it

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Are the Iraqi's going to punish the guy that threw shoes at Bush?

Does anyone know if the news has published anything about that guy being punished? If so, please post a link if you have one. Thanks!

Why is it called The Badminton Sarcophagus?

i went to the metropolitan museum of art for my art history cl. we have to write about what we observed. one of the questions is why is the Marble Sarcophagus with the Triumph of Dionysos and the Seasons called The Badminton Sarcophagus?

Where can i watch terminator salvation online for free with no downloads?

I also use that link I don't go to the movie theatre. I just watch there Like xmen, obsessed(good), mall cop, girlfriends of a ghosts past.

Does anyone take a herbal medicine called Dong Quai?

Its a natural herbal supplement that helps with hormonal balance. i'm no where near menopause, but i take prescription meds to regulate cycles. I don't want to take those pills anymore, they have caused bad side effects, and this supplement is natural and i'm wondering if anyone has used it and had results. Thanks in advance.

Where do i stand with the purchase of this motorcycle ?

at the start of march i bought a honda varadero 125, i was told it had 1 months warranty with it. it rode fine for the first week or two. after this period of time i noticed the engine was making a loud rattling noise, i took it back and after 2 whole weeks they said they couldn't find the problem and so replaced the engine completely (the bike is on a 57 plate too!) the other day i skidded and the bike fell to the ground, the impact was not hard and only caused damage to the front cowling. i had since done more than 200 miles on the bike and now the speedo has stopped working. just now on the way back from work i have noticed the F1 light on the dash lights up. quite frankly im rather more annoyed than i am allowed to put in words on here, any advice would greatly be appreciated. i apologise for my lack of grammar. thanks !

Anyway to convince an awake baby to go to sleep?

My son is 5 1/2 months and almost always up over midnight, he just doesn't seem tired. I can't let him cry as I live with my parents at the mo and it isn't fair on them and sometimes he's not upset anyway, he just wants to play? I've tried lullabies and all sorts like that. His bedtime routine is bath then bed with a feed if needed, he'll sleep for 3/4 hours and then wake up for 2 hours over midnight.

What do you think of my poem?

I'm impressed especially coming from a 13 year old. I use to write a lot when I was your age but, I quit. Don't ever quit writing and don't ever throw your poems away. They will get better and better and you grow and you will also have a collection of memories, whether they were good or bad that you can learn from.

What are the fastest Electric RC Cars?

What are some brands/companys that sell the fastest electric radio controlled cars? If you could provide a link that'd be great! Something over 50+ MPH is what I'm looking for... any ideas?! Thanks

Online dating question?

simple, meet up and see if you have a connection face to face. Online dating works. I speak from experience

In Mein Kampf, Hitler wrote about _____ Germans into a great Empire.?

Okay, i'm doding this crossword but i can't firgure that one out! It has to be seven letters long. It also starts with a "u"

Would this computer be good for running games at 720p?

Yes, it will run games pretty well given a good graphics card (of your choices, 5500 is the best) as a forewarning, your power supply is only 250 watts. this will have trouble hauling most graphics cards while running a hard disk and a cpu. I would upgrade this if you can.

Where can I find combined astro sign tattoos?

I'm looking for a cute sagittarius and taurus tattoo design. But I want them to somehow be melded together... If that makes any sense :/ Can you help me out?

My van's making a loud ticking noise?

might be exhaust manifold gasket or flange gasket if hydraulic tappets u can get hydraulic valve lifter cleaner [

I'm sure some of you hate B.O, would you laugh if he were eaten by a crocodile?

I'm not an Obama fan but no - my entire family was eaten by a crocodile. I wouldn't wish that on anyone

Suggestions for a main course for Friday nights dinner?

We want to have a bit of a celebration dinner tomorrow night (Fri) after receiving some good news. The starter is sorted and that will be fish. The problems for the main course are: We are sick of steak (pork, lamb or beef), stews, ceroles and ragouts, fish pies, stuffed chicken wrapped in ham or whatever, lasagne's, baked pasta dishes and curries et al. We desperately need something different and most of all, exciting. Can anybody out there direct our jaded pallets to something that will knock our socks off without spending all day in the kitchen. Thanks.

SNL on Palin - ist or Funny?

I thought it was hilarious. I thnk Palin needs to take her own advice and quit whining. SNL has always been known for brutal satire. They continually made fun of Clinton during zippergate, and they make fun of Hillary all the time. Mocking candidates/presidents is as old as SNL. Remember when Chevy Chase played Gerald Ford and he was constantly tripping? That's not exactly flattering. The GOP needs a sense of humor.

Did yahoo miss this breaking news ?

aww thats horrible.. still watch golden girls all the time and im only 24. most people i know love that show older and younger than me.. age doesnt matter for that

Should I start Steve Smith (CAR) this week?

I'd start him over Lloyd. I don't trust Orton much and Smith is the only receiver in town for Moore. He'll get looks.

What does the down peace sign hand greeting mean?

My husband just recently purchased a Harley. We live in Texas. I have become more aware of bikers while I am driving now. I have noticed(esp. Harley riders) will sometimes make a peace sign pointed down with their left hand. I looked it up online and I got several different meanings: ride safe, peace on the road, keep the rubber down and the shiny side up, 2 wheels down, just me and my bike, or just an acknowledgment of another rider esp. one riding the same brand and style. What does it really mean or could it mean any of those things. That's what I'm beginning to think. Whatever you want it to mean. Am I right?

If your coworkers husband had the swine flue would you have issues working with her?

I would have no issue if I was immunized for this virus and also took all the needed safety precautions, but if I wasn't yes of course I would most definitely have an issue with it as it can live outside the body for up to 48 hours on nonporous environmental surfaces and 12 hours on porous surfaces before it becomes inert. You are talking about a deadly flu virus that can kill someone in less than 24 hours. Why would anyone take that risk with their life to say nothing of spreading it to others, family members and especially children. The wife should obviously stay at home or be sent home until the incubation period is over. Life is just so precious and I do not understand why people would not get this vaccine knowing it can and will save lives. It has already killed to many people and one is far to many in my books. This is serious stuff and remaining in ignorance or shoving it aside will only have serious negative repercussions.

After footie, which sport do you think ranks 2nd in world importance?

Wow, great question. Soccer (football) is truly the world's sport, and everything else is a distant second. As for second, probably basketball. Look at all the great NBA players from all over the world: Canada, Africa, Europe, Asia, South America, Australia.....every continent is represented. Same for tennis and golf, I guess, but those are individual sports, not team sports.

Why do atheists think that the belief in God makes someone weak minded?

But god is also imperfect, he pushes people away from evidence. Ignoring evidence is what I define as ignorant. So, most theist are exactly how I define ignorant.

Help with singing?

well i need to know how to move my mouth for certain vowels or whatever and everything i need to know to sing good

Gore n Guts.. help D:?

i have the same problem...i wouldnt not going to see it...i get freaked out when im watching the halloween specials of the simpsons...

What are some pretty tattoo ideas for girls?

I want a tattoo..I like the idea of spearows, and crescent and moon, or a star..I even have seen some pretty fairy tattoos..but my hubby thinks they are all tramp stamps lol so im like wtf? he has two..but whatever..what tattos look hot on a girl? i want one one my wrist or back of neck or maybe on my chest not my but by the top of my shoulder..idk lol any ideas..

How many republicans will be voting democrat this election or just staying home and not voting at all?

If you all had put a moderate democrat out there to run, I might have stayed home. Instead you put out the one guy with the stupidity and the lack of experience necessary to bring this country's economy to it's knees. So I'll bite the bullet and vote McCain.

Which Bill Cosby stand up was this?

When I was much younger I had a cette of Bill Cosby's stand up that I loved. I listened to it all of the time. Unfortunately I had a house fire and lost it (among other things). All I can remember from his material was the part where he goes into detail of how the belt his dad would whip him with would tear the flesh, then he also talked about doing some type of soap box derby illegally and the cops were waiting at the bottom of the hill.

My computer had a worm.32/blaster virus thing and it just went away on its own? should i be worried?

For a couple hours my computer wouldn't let me use the internet or recovery manager, or anything. There were all these error messages everytime I tried to open something and it kept having this "malware scan" and then all the sudden the virus just stopped on its own. Everything works now (obviously, I am on the internet) and all of my other programs open and there are no more "error messages" or "malware scans". Can viruses lie dormant? I am afriad to get on facebook or my email cause im afraid its going to steal my information.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Should I be worried about my friend?

Besides trying to make her ex jealous she is probably trying to get some self esteem back. "They like me so why doesn't my husband? Its not unusual behavior but the highest group of new onset of STD's is in women of this age group who are getting a divorce. Maybe talking about STD's and maybe even birth control would be helpful rather than giving her your unwanted advice about her behavior. Try this when out to dinner or something. Gives you a safe environment and limits what you can talk about with no fights happening. When I went ththurhis my best friend gave me this same talk. Our booth was next to the bar and we looked up and saw these 23 year old boys looking down at us from their babar stool I told them "Yep, us older ladies like to!"

HELP PLEASE Problem with projectile motion (Phys)?

In two attempts, a javelin is thrown at angles of 35grades and 60 grades, respectively, to the horizontal from the same height and at the same speed in each case. For which throw does the javelin go farther, and how may times farther? (ume that the landing place ois at the same height as the launching place)

Any ideas where i can get a genie costume??!!?

something thats appropiate for school and that my parents wont freak out abt. like last year this girl had a costume that made her stomach show and well the guy called her a hoe or a slut i cant remember but like i dont want that to happen to me if u do find a costume that shows the stomach do u know how i can cover that up or somethin?

Chemistry Help Needed!!!!?

1) Explain why the the melting and boiling points of covalent compounds are usually lower than those of ionic compounds.

Short hair ques. easy 10 pts!!?

my hair is naturally black, dark brown/ black eyes and fair skin. i wanna know wat color i should dye my hair that will make my eyes pop and make my face look glowing?? or wat color highlights will do that? thnks:)

What type of microscope?

What type of microscope is being used to let the human see an ATOM. For all i know, ordinary microscopes found in schools only can see cells, not ATOM. So whats the instrument name? Thanks

Need help with the SAT?

first off, what grade are you in? if you are a sopre that score will definitely go up. if you are a junior, it could go up slightly only if you really work hard towards it. 1410 is the score i got on the actual SATs (the sats are really much harder than the PSATs) my PSAT score was like a 1300 something... slowly graduated up to a whopping 1410/2400. btw i'm not proud of this, i'm slightly embarred. but my 4.0 GPA and outstanding extracurriculars make up for my horrible test taking abilities. so don't sweat it. if you're a junior, just work hard to get it up to atleast a 1500.

Projectile question - calculus/physics stuff - can anyone help?

If a golf ball leaves the ground with an initial speed of 87 ft/sec and the angle of elevationi is 34 degrees, then will the golf ball clear the top of a 36 foot tall tree that is 113 feet away?

Is it ok to "borrow" some images ?

My brother and I had an idea of a card game like Magic the Gathering ... He will mainly do the source code but he asked me to help him with ideas and graphic material ... The problem is that even dough we have experience in editing pictures we can only modify already made pictures or create some simple vector-like pictures ... Is it ok to take other pictures and use them as long as we mention that the game is freeware and that we are not the authors of the pictures ? (for example we chose some warrior character called Katsuie for our game brand ... later we found out that he was from another game ...)

Why do i keep getting bad yeilds of nitroglycerine?

whenever i make nitro glycerine ...[kno3 and h2so4] i seem to get relatively bad yeilds as appose to what stiochiometric predicts. i use 50ml of h2so4 40g's of kno3 and about 10ml of glycerine yeild is about 6 ml i am using drain cleaner but even so it's about 90>%. can anyone see my problem and justify why

What is a good middle name that goes with Kristin _____ Jones?

My Hubby and I are expecting a baby (not sure if boy or girl yet but can't wait to pick a name!) and we both loove the name Kristin for a girl. Anyone have any suggestions for middle names that go with Kristin Jones? I really like spiritual names (Grace, Faith, Bless etc) and we live on a working horse/cattle ranch so I love western/old timey type names as well. I have lots of middle name ideas but none sound right, please help!!! Also, do you think that Kit (short for kitten of course) is a nickname that would go alright with Kristin, I know Kris (no way Krissy so please don't offer that one lol) would be a given but I really like Kit, I was called this nickname for a short time by an aunt as my first name is Kathryn, instead of Kat it was Kit. -Thanks and God Bless-

Could you grow a kangaroo on the moon?

Without a proper self-sustaining habitat (which we don't have) you couldn't grow anything on the Moon. Also, you can't grow a kangaroo. A mother kangaroo can produce one and it will grow if properly fed and cared for.

I want a bigger bike.?

I have been riding for about a year now, and am on a triumph legend 900. It has about 60-65 hp, and i kinda want something bigger. I started out on a used bike and now i want to upgrade to a new more powerful bike. I don't want a regular sports bike. But i don't want a full blown cruiser either. I sorta want a naked sports bike, or a cafe racer style. What do you suggest. Or do you think I am even ready for something else. I have never wrecked and I am pretty sure I could handle it.

I am searching for a RUDY Fernandez jersey of him with either Spain or DKV Joventut and cant find

since rudy is a trailblazer now you might consider going to the trailblazer web site at and im sure either they have something for you or can direct you to the proper location.

Stores with cute clothes?

Are there any designer stores like charlotte russe or coach that have somewhat decent prices? (I know theyll be mostly pricey)

What is the place called where the judicial branch meets?

I know the place where the legislative branch meets is called the US capitol building and where the executive branch meets is called the White house, but I don't know what the place is called where the judicial branch meets.

NBA game Wizards vs Mavericks 1/21/2008?

I am an away fan of the Dallas Mavericks attending the Wizards vs the Mavs in DC. This is my first time going to an NBA game in the states and I want to know how the atmosphere is towards the opponent's fans. In England during soccer matches it was pretty hostile for away fans but we were like thousands clustered together so the impact wasn't felt that much. Well advice me on the formal and informal codes of conducts at NBA games especially for the traveling fans.

What are the addresses to....?

I'm 13 yr old girl and im going to write at least 2-3 letters to big corp. all around the world. But I need their addresses and some suggestions. My first one is Hershey, Pennsylvania. You know where they make all the choclate. whats their address ? also I need some other suggesstions kinda like places where they would write/reply back or some animal funding place. where i could write 2 important people about what they need to do to stop whaling, global warming, stuff like that. thanx. oh remember im only 13 so no where bad cuz my parents have 2 read the mail i get. also if u could put an email where i can email them to that would be great ! thnx

Do these stats look impressive so far to put into college application. This is so far for freshman year (9th)

This does look very impressive! I would say if you keep this up, and get good scores on your SAT or ACT, you shouldn't have any problems getting into any school you want. Keep up the good work!!

My boys season sad

so i have always seen bobby and pj together..and jack being there totally RUINED so sad but excited to see what happens next season!! what do you think of the finale?

What explains cruel pain and suffering if there is a God?

Children swept to sea; innocent grandmothers, mothers and children blown to bits while shopping; and the pain of cancer; the death of an unborn; being run over by a drunk, eaten by a crocodile or a shark... need one go on? Where is the good God?

Do you think when you turned 25 you noticed that you were maturing?

Next week I will be 25 years old... I notice slowly but surely I am evolving.... Im talking with more of an intellect...Im in grad school (this may be a reason why im changing also because Im around more mature people, or people with the same interest as I have)... Im more serious now... more ertive... have higher self esteem....take up for myself more....I know 30 year olds that act like children(especially at my job) and Im starting to distance myself from them...Im also dressing more like an adult last year because last year, I looked like an average 15 year old, but did you see yourself changing/evolving/maturing as a person once you hit that year in your life or at least trying to get more mature? if not, how old were you when you saw yourself changing into a maturer individual and leaving the immature people and issues alone?

Hockey team name again??

k so me and my friends r making a team and we need a name something unique but not gay ne details we r canadian we are 14-16 mostly, rock and roll bunch we were think purple haze what do u think?

What is something cute to get a guy friend for his bday?

i have a sweet guy friend & wanna get him something cute & memorable but not overwhelming for his a lil surprise...bec it's the thought that counts...please i need good serious!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Oil light in 1999 Plymouth Neon flashing on/off?

My Neon's oil was just changed.. it has 180,000 miles, and runs well.. but after the oil change yesterday, the light is still coming on while the car is running. Should I have a factory brand filter put on, instead of a FRAM (walmart brand) filter? Might this be the problem? I will post more info if it is requested by answerers. :)

Can Quadruple bonds be formed in covalent bonds? Why or why not and give good sources?

Some people are telling me that u can't because it goes against the ocet rule but some ppl say transition metals work because its in the d orbital. Can someone please help me!!!

What will Packers fans do once the Bears beat them on Sunday?

Green Bay has no other profession sports team, which I ume is because of the disappointment of thier football franchise. That being said what will they do after the Bears win on Sunday? Eat cheese and Brats until September? Gain a little more weight for next season? Just wondering.

F1 cars on oval tracks?

Does anyone know of any videos or statistics of a Formula one car lapping a nascar style oval track. My redneck friend is naively confident that a Nextel Cup car could lap a nascar track faster than a Formula 1 car. I know that he is absolutely retarded but I'd really like some solid evidence that he is wrong. I've already pointed out to him that the exit speed of F1 cars on "turn 1" of the Indy circuit is about 180mph but that doesn't seem to be enough for him.

Was this demon causing me to feel this feel?

Several years ago,i took this medicine called tranquil,or some pill that my psychologist prescribed to me,and when i took the pill i felt really,really weird.I felt my heart pound heavy,and i took few naps to wear off the effects that the medicine was causing me.I was told that people in mental hospitals took this type of stuff,and you sometimes will see few of them walk around all messed up as if they were zombies of some sort.I always wonder why people say that people in mental hospitals are zombie for.Later on in life,i went to church that said that those people are demons possessed,or have demons causing them mental problems,and the meds that they take are demonic.I don`t accept,nor believe what they say about that part but i do feel that maybe what i took was not right for me to take for i do not have bipolar,nor depressed,nor do i hear voices,and do crazy things that would hurt someone.Also,have you ever felt that way when you took your meds,or do you think since i was little it may had a hugh impact on me causing me to have those weird feelings,or effects that i was having?I was 10 year old when i took it.

Am I being racist to my clmate? (Question to Filipinos)?

to me, that is racist because what if she was african? think before You speak next time. and she was only bullying you because she is jealous

Are they remaking anything about final fantasy 8?

i know they made a movie about 7 (advent children) but i liked 8 alot more. the one with Squall, Zell, and all them. does anyone know if they are gonna make a sequel/prequel to this game on new systems? or perhaps a movie? id like to know. that was my favorite game growing up

Do I have swine flu? I know it sounds stupid but please help.?

I have been stuffy and my nose has been running for a couple days, I have a sore throat and I have been coughing and have mucus. I have had aches in my arm all day and my stomach hurts like cramps kind of. I don't have a fever though and I am not throwing up and don't have diarrhea. Do I have it?

Neopets User Lookups?

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Puzzle w/spelling words Help!!?

A circle-a-word puzzle would be a good idea and easy to make. The scramble-a-word puzzle mentioned above is an excellent idea, as well as a crossword puzzle. A fill-in-the-blank puzzle would work very well also...make a sentence with the spelling word left out and the person filling out the list has to choose the correct word. With any of these puzzles, it would be reasonable easy to use all of your spelling words.

Kissing your horse on the nose?

I heard somewhere that if you do and your horse has bot fly eggs, you'll ingest them and you'll go through a very painful bot fly expirence. If I worm my horse, do I still have a chance of this because I do give my horse a little kiss sometimes, not all the time but I don't want to get bots.....can someone clear this up for me?

If AFL was ending forever after next season, is there another ...?

Well i still love my cricket too but both sports are during the other ones off season, would probably get into American Football or one of the league codes probably nrl, but i hope that never happens

What should I put inside clear gl Christmas ornament favours?

You could put green and red christmas M&M's in them that they could enjoy that day, but for something to last i would say maybe some green, red, white, gold (whichever colors you're using in the wedding) confetti string to place in them. And if you wanted you could find the glue that dries clear and rub it along the inside and put just a little bit of colored glitter and shake it around to have a sheer color that sparkles in the ornament. i think all of these ideas would be cute!

Is there any black sororities that pledges you as an "honorary member or "ociate"?

I am a Clinical Research ociate - I work with a Biotech/Pharma in the theutic area of Oncology ( & Prostate) cancer, specifically Prostate. I am currently addressing the Disparity of Prostate Cancer in the African American Male. I have piloted several programs. Interested in Delta Sigma Theta, Omega Psi Phi and/or Zeta Phi Beta (I am a non-graduate) Thank you

Question about Army bct?

I'm thinking of joining the army as a Calvary scout. Just out of curiousity (spelled wrong) if my mos is Calvary scout will there be femails aswell as males at bct?

Women at the office..?

what is wrong with being promiscuous? would you ever ask that to a man? sure, you may say "but man can be whoes too" but c'mon, no one's shaming them for being it, it's rather a joke, and the man still gets praise.

Will you guys miss the last decade of footy?

they were the good days James Hird, Scott Burns, footy on channel 9, long sleeve guernseys all that stuff, more to an extent the last century when it was all about the people not the money and none of these new stupid clubs, before the AFL possibly? ( do u guys know if they will still be wearing long sleeve guernseys aswell).

Please answer everyone:is he telling the truth?

He has a gf and likes you and doesn't want you to know who she is. maybe. idk. highschool were confusing times. some people just grow apart, happens all the time. wait til you graduate.

Do you think harold camping is "out of the woods" yet.....?

He had a stroke, can no longer speak, and is in a nursing home..... I only hope he lives long enough to be embarred yet again.... though I thought the stoke was genuinely divine justice.... almost enough to make me believe in a just god.

What's the difference between RNA and DnA?

In simple English please. And I don't need detail, I just want to get a firm understanding of the basics

My husband has been having an affair?

We hired a skinny little brunette from a cleaning service to help at our house. Now I have discovered that my husband has been having an affair with the little tramp. I knew that, as a male, my husband would look at pretty girls, but I was naive enough to trust that he wouldn't go run off with one of them. My first thought upon finding out was to report the girl to her employer and have her lose her job, however I learned that she is in serious debt and struggling to pay her student loans. I am conflicted with feelings of pity and anger. Would I be justified in having her fired?

Is Oakland, Ca just like Brooklyn?

After my fiancee and I get married we are planning on moving back to his hometown of Oakland. I am born and raised in Brooklyn and never been elsewhere. My fiancee says it won't be much change to me because Oakland is the Brooklyn of the West Coast. Is this true?

HELP ! edit my essay ? (grammer)?

the first thing you need to do is break this up into shorter paragraphs - this is extremely hard to read. I didn't get past the 5th sentence.

Why so many contradictions in the Bible?

It depends on how you interpret the Bible. Theres millions of different ways to interpret it (thus the different religions and thousands and thousands of different churches.)

My battery light on my dashboard will not go off on 2000 Mazda Protege and I need some possible answers.?

I took my car into a shop a few weeks back and after they ran their diagnostics they determined that it was a faulty alternator. I went and purchased a new alternator and after I installed it the battery light turned off. Today the battery light reappeared. New alternator and a new battery are in the car. What could be causing the light to reappear and possibly drain power. Thanks

Can you name me a player that..?

Basketball has 5 players you need to have all 5 on the one.. People just hate kobe because of newspaper roporters and tv roporters

Am I infatuated with this girl if I thought of her everyday since we met? don't you hate crushes?how do I stop?

well u cant exactly stop a crush unless u see how it goes for urself and then wat happens u stop. but ur suppose to have control on your mind so if u wanna stop crushing find another way to occupy ur mind. and as far as if ur infatuated with the grl well i honestly tink u seriously crushing maybe its how she looks or sumtin but sounds like u want her

I have a question about two hip hop/ r & b songs?

The first one is The Business by Yung Berg feat. Casha and I think the second one is Apologize by One Republic.

What type of clothing style.....?

sience it;s near the summer you should get shorts, but for nomal days you could ware skinny jeans. you can ware tnaks long sleve shirts, but i dont think you should need to change your style unless youve been using it for 5 years strait. you could go to american egal,( though idont shop there,) they do have nice clothing and great for your age!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Legal rights to contest a will?

You do have a legal right to contest the will but if there is nothing in wirting that supports what you have stated in your above question then you and your mom will not stand a chance in court...

Question on God's creation of romantic love?

Please tell me God created falling in love with someone to mean falling in love with the person for who they are/their personality. Some people claim falling in love is simply a chemical reaction/attraction between the chemicals in 2 bodies. If this is the case, love doesn't seem so special anymore. I honestly don't think God would create something as special as romantic love just to mean an attraction of bodily chemicals between 2 people. Please tell me God created romantic love to mean more than this-to love a person for who they are (to find a deep emotional connection to someone) rather than simply a chemical attraction between chemicals in the body.

Where can i buy plain white canvas tennis shoes for under $5?

looking for kids and ind=fants sizes, but can`t seem to find anything wholesale..want to buy abour 15 pair at a time..thanks!!

Things to bring on a bus ride?

What you are taking is great. You probably won't have a lot of room for much stuff so keep it small and compact. I despise riding the bus. Try to stay close to the driver.

Interesting Perspective On My Part?

It seems like it's cheapening the experience. Same as churches that have rock music or easy listening style hymns and a sermon full of platitudes and feelgood sentiments. It's all just too shallow for my tastes. I want high art. I want gregorian chanting and stained gl windows and robes and candles and a blood sacrifice. I want wine. I want ritual . I want incantations in strange tongues.

How to do this accounting problem?

Forman Company issued $832,000 of 10%, 20 year bonds on January 1, 2011, at 102. Interest is payable semiannually on July 1 and January 1. Forman Company uses the effective interest method of amortization for bond premium or discount. ume an effective yield of 9.7705%. Prepare the journal entries to record the following. A) The issuance of the bonds. B) The payment of interest and the related amortization on july 1, 2011. C) The accrual of interest and the related amortization on December 31, 2011

Why is my guinea pig doing this?

My two female piggies usually get along, meaning they don't scrap or anything, but every so often I'll hear a growling/rumbling sound in the cage, and it's always the older one (slightly, i think they're only a month or two apart) growling and vibrating and walking slowly towards the other, kind of waving her bum back and forth. It looks like she wants to fight and is trying to intimidate her, and it works cause Roxy always runs away and makes a whining noise. Is this just a hierarchy kinda thing? Should I be worried? Thanks in advance.

How to find the csc of 21 degrees?

Working on a summer math packet, and have completely forgotten how to solve this. I need to know how to find the csc of 21 degrees, and I want to learn how to do it again, so please explain your answer.

In Christianity is acting out in anger a sin, especially if it causes you to break the law?

John howard yoder wrote that whatever happened must have happened non-violently, or the sanhedrin would not have needed to bring false testimony against Jesus.

Why wouldn't Ron Paul Win?

There are people tired of the ineffective federal government. There are people who don't just want out of Iraq, but out of Germany, Korea, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, etc times 100. There are people who want the ability to p laws without vetoes from the federal government. Not to say this is always wrong, but to point out it is often at odds with our own Constitution. The Constitution gave the federal government dominion over things like National Defense. It left the other issues up to the states. Issues like abortion, education, and health care are not the domain of the federal government. It also gave us the RIGHT to bear arms. A right the federal government is more likely to undermine as a remedy to increasing incredulity at its ineffectiveness and its corruption. A remedy no doubt intended to "protect us". Similar arguments were no doubt made by the British. They protected us from the savage Indians. Funny thing is; after we declared ourselves free, they conspired with them.

KC V, my question to you is, do you think that maybe, just maybe?

the police officer wasnt paying attention, there was 2 other cars at this intersection and the police officer was behind one of them, he was parked there watching for cars that did not complete the stop, I know where the stop is and i know that they cops sit there and wait for someone to run the stop, i've been coming to this school for a couple of years now so i know how these cops work, if it were you, do you think there is a chance that I am right?

I need to know what this old song is and who sings it..?

There is a song and it talks about a bunch of things and people and places and I think its pretty old. MIght have been a song during the 70s? I wanna say its by someone like U2 though.... help anyone?

How do I keep my dog from itching a wound?

My dog has a small wound on her back, and she keeps itching it with her back foot. It bleeds every time and never gets a chance to heal. What should I do? (I know it is her back foot itching it, because she went outside today, then a few minutes later it was bleeding and a very noticeable footprint on her back)

Is there any freeware software to learn Japanese kanji?

I have done well with hiragana. I am doing all right with katakana but I am not done learning it yet. I want to start learning kanji.

Ramad Jarvis North, Leeds?

I have booked my reception at this hotel and was wondering whether anyone has had their wedding reception there and what it was like?

Where can I watch the Chronicles of Narnia online? (or download it)?

I love the chronicle of Narnia, but sadly, I don't own it. Could somone please tell me where I can watch it online?

One quick accounting question.?

Been a very long time since I had that cl. But the discount is $60k and straight line at 5 years = $1000 a month. Hope someone that is sure gives you the same answer.

Sirius Radio problem?

have a Xact Sirius radio model# XTR3, and it has worked fine for 4 years and yesterday my subscription was up and today I re-subscribed and the radio only reads 184 WEATHER CALL SIRIUS FOR SUB..., even when the antennae is not connected it still reads 184WEATHER..... Called Sirius and they cant figure it out, can you give me some help?

During the last depression they built Hoover Dam. What great projects will be built this time around?

There's plenty of things that need repair before we start building something new. Hoover Dam is just fine. Nevada and Arizona are building an elevated bridge over the Colorado River right now, to ease the page of truck traffic, and to byp the dam by those who are "just pin' thru". The National Highway System needs updating. Old bridges in many states are in dire need of repair or replacement. Levees in many states need updating and improvement. If we're going to start a new project, let's start with an interstate penger rail system. It takes 5 hours to drive from Las Vegas to Phoenix. It also takes 5 hours to fly to Phoenix, when you add in parking, security checkpoints, baggage claim, and farting around with all the bureaucracy and delays. And that's just a beginning...

Cat tries to join me in the bathtub?

I had the same problem with my cat! lol when ever i would take a shower or take a bath he would cry to come inside, [even though i knew he was scared of water] i let him in anyway. he was calm for a second then he was hanging by my thigh with his nails!!! ugh, it was soooo painful, my advice, don't open the door, or spray some water in his face so he can go away.

Calculate the molarity of each of the following solutions.?

Molarity is defined as moles of solute per liter of solution. Find the number of moles of solute and divide it by the number of liters of solution.

What are your opinions on the Feminist Movement?

What do you think about the Feminist movement? Was it something that destroyed womens' roles? Was it liberating? I hope that's clear enough of a question...just want to know what other women think about it...

I think bangladesh has missed oppurtunity of win a historic test match?

They went too flat during the Redmond-Vettori partnership. Bangladesh need to learn to fight until the end, not just throw in the towel and concede defeat.

Will a nice straight girl knowingly lead a on?

I think she likes you, but I don't personally know her so it is hard to say. Keep talking to her and do the same things back.

Printable Birthday cards for a teen?

Does anyone kno a quick site to get birthday cards that you could print for free.???? Please let me kno ASAP! :)

Do the Beatles have an anthem?

All You Need Is Love, or Let It Be, I believe. Maybe Hello Goodbye? Usually the ones covered by more recent bands are known by more people :)

Movies about girls being bullied or having drama :O?

Shan, I always have good luck when I visit my local movie rental store. They have a good selection, but they have helpful employees in general. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Try visiting a Texas store near you and ask to speak to someone who might be able to help.

Is the Catholic church a continuation of the Roman Empire?

When you read about the Roman Empire in history in particular the practices of it's government it seems like it to me. The Emperor held the title Pontifex Maximus (chief priest of Roman state), and was made a god by the senate after death. Pontifex Maximus is the title of the pope these days isn't it? And people considered particularly holy are made saints these days and prayed to in some cases. I'm not trying to attack Catholicism, just trying to get an idea of where these things come from. The Biblical Saints are all the believers (or saved), and Christ is the head of the Church. And Jesus, when he taught how to pray, only mentions God and not a physical person including himself. Like I said just wondering where these practices come from since not from Jesus (who is the head of the Church).

Friday, August 12, 2011

What happen to r&b singer mel'd?

she had a hit song called love story and mobb deep was featured on the song. youtube doesn't know what i'm talking bout when i type it in..could anyone help me please.

Okay i think one of my bestfriends is gay?

Well gee that probably is a good idea. having space is nice. but you should maybe talk to her...or maybe you shouldn't lol. she is at that stage in life when even if she IS gay you just talking about it to her she'll get offended.most likely too, anyways. maybe space is a good thing. but is it worth having all your neighborhood friends dislike you?

What does OJ stand for? as in " i' was inspired by the OJ's ". thx?

The O'Jays are a music group from the 70's-80's, from Philadelphia. They have most likely inspired many musicians. They got their name from a Radio DJ named Eddie O'Jay, using it to pay tribute to him. there is a lot more information on them on wickipedia...


During World War 2 nearly half of German and Austrian citizens serviced in criminal SS or Wehrmacht units, which operated concentration death camps like: Auschwitz, Ravensbruck, Oranienburg, Dachau where a lot of Slavs (Poles, Russian, czech, Ukrainians), Jews, French, etc were killed. THOSE CRIMINALS HAVE CHILDREN NOWADAYS. Do every German and Austrian citizen has ancestors from SS death squads, criminal Wehrmacht forces tec??

I need help, i found a pigeon?

so today i was walkin home from work n i found this pigeon under a brigde n i figured it fell from its nest, it has a broken wing but its not so bad, wont eat, maybe its scared??i placed it in a box with pieces of bread, rice n water. any suggestions???

Pendulum and Oscillating Motion Physics questions?

A pendulum is 0.7m long and the bob has a m of 1.0kg. At the bottom of its swing, the bob's speed is 1.3m/s. What is the tension in the string at the bottom of the swing?

What is This?

song that goes: "yall say f**k that, and then repeats that same line over and over. I think its by korn, but does anybody know the name of it??

Superbowl - Should A Commercial For A Gay Dating Website Be Shown On Television?

if they can show some stupid pro-life commercial then they should show a commercial for a gay dating service.

Im confused about Kerry Collins?

Wasnt Kerry Collins the QB who took over for injured jason campbell last season? then why does it say hes been at titans for 3 years. Or am i thinking of somebody else

My mom thinks I'm a pedophile?

Showing my computer illiterate elderly mother the wonders of the internet, I showed her a picture of an old school friend's 4 year old daughter on facebook and commented on how gorgeous she was. Her immediate response was that she thought it was inappropriate that people put pictures of their kids online for anyone to look at. That kind of hit me where it hurts and seemed pretty inappropriate of her to say something like that. Why are some women such antagonizing bitches that way and how should I deal with them? Am I being over sensitive? No bitchy answers if you bitches don't mind thanks.

Does anybody seriously think...?

i find the SD! Scramble pathic...i mean if someone other then Triple H wins it's gonna be a shock. I actually want Shelton to win. Because kendrick, great wrestler, but has no chance. They wouldn't put a title on a smaller guy. The Hardy vs MVP fued is a good one and i really don't think they would mess with it that much. Plus Shelton is a great wrestlers and has been there forever and hasn't had the title.

How do I take revenge on this infamous ?

Your teacher gave you an impossible ignment. Hitler was narcissistic, nothing you say or do has any affect on a narcissistic person. No amount of proof or evidence changes them. In his mind he is right and the world is all wrong, he doesn't have a problem, the world does. In his mind he was a God, a Saint, he did no wrong, in his mind. There is no cure for narcissistic personality disorder, so even if you were a psychologist, you would have had no affect on him. Narcissistic people can spend years in therapy and have no change, because in their mind, they do no wrong, so they have nothing to be sorry for. If you went back in time and killed him, he becomes a Martyr, so I don't even think that would be revenge. They say with bullies you kill them with kindness, maybe you could have done that. Maybe you could have said something kind to him that would have made a difference in his early childhood, but you would have had to do it in early childhood. It seems like you have a tough ignment. Hitler had a wonderful strategic mind as a soldier, so it is unlikely you could have attacked him and killed him. He even had hidden runways. If you dropped a bomb on him, you might have killed other innocent people also. It is not likely as a sniper, you would have found him. I would imagine that even his food was tested for poison, so it isn't like you could have been his private chef and poisoned him. Well maybe for the sake of your story you could go with something like that. I don't know if they have Oleander in Germany.

What are your views on Bush Criticism on UN embly?

It's very frustrating that the world continues to sit back and let Bush get away with all that he does in the name of peace. Forget about universally accepted protocols, bah who needs proof lets attack first and see if we can find any WMD in the rubble. Come on people, if Bush was president of some other country we'd all be screaming for him to be removed from power. The guys out of control, and he's probably reading this post as I type it... gotta go there's a knock on my door.

What do you strive for/to get accomplished in one 24-hour day?

This may sound corny, but... For me, it's to be active---get my exercise (workout) in, touch someone's life in a special way. Be a good, kind and thoughtful person... At least I try to do that. That way I can go to bed at night feeling like I accomplished something cuz like Al Franken (Stuart Smalley) from SNL said, "I'm good enough, smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!"

What are the names of the people in the photo of the original Order of the Phoenix members?

I was thinking about it and I know there's James and Lily Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, Albus Dumbledore, Fabian and Gideon Prewett, Alastor moody, Alice and Frank Longbottom and Rubeus Hagrid. Does anyone know the rest?

I'm looking for Cabbage Patch Patterns for sew or crochet, free if possible, to make for my grandbabies.?

Can someone direct me to find either crochet patterns for cabbage patch kids or preemies. Sewing preferably but will take crocheting also. Thank You tons for your help...

What is warning light "Fuel Res" indicating?

When making right hand turns in this diesel vehicle, a "Fuel Res" light momentarily illuminates. I can't find an explanation for this in any manuals, etc.

Can you find any poetic terms in the song glamorous?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Good song to sing for SM Auditions?

only you can answer that since YOU are most familiar with your voice. pick a song that suits you well and that is within your range while showing it off. make sure you pick an AWESOME part of the song to sing; if you're not korean or can't speak it, they won't even give you more than 30 seconds (while you'll notice koreans get way longer). don't go anywhere near an SM song. i suggest an english song since you don't speak korean. good luck!

Question to Christians?

You're very judgemental of other christians that you haven't even met aside from what their responses are on here. To say you loathe someone you don't know is also disturbing. Why don't you take the plank out of your own eye first? How are you showing Jesus' love by calling them loathesome? To answer the last paragraph, I'm christian and know other people who aren't, but they have good morals, they just don't believe that God exists. You and I know that the only way to the Father is through a relationship with Jesus.

Was Hitler Christian?

The bible tells us "you will know them by their fruits" (Matthew 7:16). In other words, do not rely on what people say. What they do is a better indicator of just who they are. Hitler was no Christian. In fact, in his book, Mein Kampf, he talks about the voices in his head telling him what to do. That is not God's way of communicating with us. This is the work of demons.

About pregnency testers?

No it won't show up that early. You have to wait until atleast you miss one period before you can get accurarate results.

Super mario and sonic at the olympics?

how good is this game? is it like the old track and field athletics? do you race against other characters. or can u have 1 2 3 or 4 players

Would you date someone that used to be very promiscuous in their teenage / early twenty years?

I was not, but she was promiscuous and very "active". We have a lot in common, and similar career goals, but I do not know if I can get past her past. What do you think?

I can't sleep because the mustached alien keeps coming in the night and probing me?

his name is ron and he is dating my mom, I keep asking my mom why she is dating an alien, but she says ron is not an alien, but that is not what he tells me during probe time. how can I prove to my mom that ron is alien?

Anyone else angry that some people voting for Kris aren't voting for the right reason?

I have been a Danny fan from the very beginning. Sadly enough, he got kicked out. I have never liked how Adam sings. Well, actually all he does is scream and screech. So yeah, I rather see Kris win this thing than Adam. So I voted for Kris. Besides, this thing is rigged. Adam's gonna win. It's like man, the judges might as well just give him the crown, so to speak.

So who will be in the AI finale this season?

All season people have been saying Adam and Danny. But over the recent weeks, Kris allen seems to be overtaking Danny. Did you guys hear about the new tabloid story about kris and adam not getting along? I think this is an attempt to set up the final 2. I kinda hope its Adam vs Kris. What do you guys think?

I have a recessed toilet roll holder in my bathroom. How do I remove it and replace with a regular one?

I would just leave it there and install the other one where you want it. You will always have an extra roll of paper handy!

Does anyone know the answers to the edexcel maths gcse (June 6th) Non calc?

i just took this paper two days ago and i'm worried ive got loads of questions wrong! especially the simultaneous equation and the cone hemisphere question, please help- i'm aiming for an A hopefully

Thursday, August 11, 2011

1995 mitsubishi eclipse non-turbo?

Does any mechanics out there no Y my car will not get spark or injector fire. Put an ignition tester on and got no spark. Put noid light onto the injector and no blink. Please no guesses. If you are familiar with mitsubishi let me no. On a gm It would probly be a crankshaft sensor. I looked in a book i have for up to 94 but mine is a 95. In 94 they used a combination sensor in which the crankshaft and cam sensor were in 1 unit. Did that change in 95? Points for right answer! Thanx

Why is Michael Steele wrecking our party?

Michael Steele, a dopey and overly-benign man, is actively working to undermine our political party. His election was incredibly transparent tokenism and for us Republicans, a very counterproductive political action. How could we, as Republicans, have let his election happen? How can we work to give the chairmanship of the GOP back to someone with guts who will not repeatedly sell out to the liberal left?

Do you believe this Government is doing the right thing?

Many people than before the Election are now out of work. Mes of immigrants are allowed to claim benefits. The Country is nowhere near a solution to World events. So, is the 'short sharp shock' the right way to go or should we take a longer route to prosperity?


I know this isnt the exact answer you wanted, but I would wait a week or so after getting the kitties and pick their names based on their personalities. That way, it will just fit.. or you might even come up with one even better. :) Hope that helped.

Who wins this Fantasy matchup?

I like the first team. Why do you have 3 QBs? It's not like Sanchez is going to be a sleeper. Even if he is, he won't be anywhere near Rivers.

Lancome Teint Idole Ultra or Lancome Photogenic Skin-Illuminating Makeup?

i like the Teint Idole Ultra one more because it lasts longer and if i were you i would consider the lancoscillatingting one it vibrates onto your skin and lasts all day without touch ups and not to mention the airbrushed look it igves out

Do i need to buy 350w psu fan for my n vidia 7600 gt agp 512 mb especially when i am NOT going to overclock it?

It is not required. Even if you have the computer turned on 24hours a day you dont have to get a Fan. i am using the same card and my computer is on throught the day for the last 18 months. Everything is going good.

How scary is the shining out of 10?

I thought it wasn't to violent but creepy and suspenseful. It also had one jump out part. I would give it something from 6-8. (1/10 being not scary at all, 2/10 being the slightest bit of scared, 3/10 being a little scary but nowhere near a lot, 4/10 being a bit scary in some parts, 5/10 would be an average horror film, 6/10 would be even more scarier than a horror film really is, 7/10 will be frightening, 8/10 would be scary enough to make you not want to go to sleep for a while, 9/10 would be something that will probably give you nightmares and 10/10 is giving you nightmares and very scary, gory and creepy.

Why is the the word "fabulous" a popular adjective to use among gay men?

I seems just fun to say. Its a very positive word. not just for the Gay pop either. Say it...fabulous...FABULOUS.....high voiced, lisping mincing super queen voice, low rumbling just woke up voice. Just a nice word to say.

***Poll*** Would you ever like something like this?

I think it's pretty good. I love writing stories myself. I sent off one of my mcripts and I hope they consider it. Nice names in the story, by the way. Oh and I'm Kharisma, nice to meet you I'm 13 too lol.

How is the surf in the summertime in South America's east coast?

I'll be around Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil and was wondering what the quality of surf will be in the months Dec-Jan (southern hemisphere summer). The way it's shaped seems like it'll miss out on any northern swell action, and that southern swells must be weak that time of year.... but then again, I've only been a west coast surfer, and therefore don't know much about the atlantic.

Did you know that Bret Hart and Chris Benoit are featured in the opening to Malcomn In the Middle?

Yes I did. That is the match that they had on WCW. It was the tribute match to Owen Hart that took place in the arena that he died on Monday Nitro. Bret Hart said that was the only match he was proud of in WCW.

Is there any harm in domesticating a wild animal?

i really don't see a problem. call the vet and see if he will vaccinate your fox.. and hopefully you won't have 2 move anytime soon : ) also look up how 2 care 4 a fox on the comp..

Breaking up with my boyfriend/ taking a break did I do whats best?

So me and my boyfriend have been in a relationship for about 2years. We love eachother very much, but we have been going through so many problems right now. Like I have serious trusting issues with him and its driving me so crazy. I have so much anger build up towards him because last summer he was a terrible boyfriend. OMFG, we didnt see eachother all summer because he got layed off his job. I didnt punish him for that noone saw that coming. But god he didnt call me, he just seemed so distant from me, all he would do was text me. And we are in a long distance relationship so calling is very important. i was so depressed and stressed out I was almost at my breaking point. I demanded that I talk to his friends last summer to find out what the hell was he doing but they said that he talks about me alot they knew alot about me so I know that he isnt really hiding anything from me. I recently spoke to his friend Ariel, because my boyfriend wanted me to talk to him, which was a sign that he wants to prove to me that he is being a faithful boyfirend but for me it isnt enough. to make a long story short I told him that I wanted to take a break because I feel so bipolar when I am with him. One minute I love him so much and he is the best boyfriend ever and then the next minute I want to strangle him and make him hurt as much as he mad me hurt. I cannot let go of the past because the past is effecting our future because I cant trust himand its his fault that I cant trust him.

How to get a best answer?

I've participated in Yahoo answers for some time now and am happy to have the rating privileges that came with level 2. However, I seldom am rewarded best answer no matter how seriously I take a question. I don't care about getting the extra points, I just would like to know that I am truly helping people when I put forth an effort in answering questions. Do I need to be wittier? Should I lean on providing a lot of information or should I be concise? Is it detrimental to not provide a link?

15 yars old and want a new phone; which one to choose: Blackjack 2 , or, palm centro?

i have a Blackjack II and its ALRIGHT. The palm centro has some perks. The only problem with smart phones are, u cant set all ringtones they have to be a certain size and even if u answer a text, the ringtone will keep playing till its over. Another bad thing is, when in the middle of a call, the phone will still make noise if a new message has arrived. The phones are great for Storage space and texting. But the new Razr II is a much better phone

Ways to record notes/information discovered on a day to day basis?

I find that throughout my day I discover an awful lot of titbits about topics and probe deeper to find further very interesting information. I, however, never record this data as it can be fairly sporadic and random. Is there a piece of software where I can simply input data, links, musing and then add it to a topic or title that I can then order and view whenever I want and I can see a list of the data Ive doented along with a date etc. This is a very random question but if anyone can help.

My wrestlemania dream card comment or tell me your dream matchs or who would win?

cool, But what if BL faced off against BL? YOu know Bobby Lashley vs. Brock Lesnar? Now that would be epic.

Question that is related to Biology?

Tall (D) is dominant to dwarf (d). Give the F2 genotype and phenotypic ratios of a cross between a pure-breeding tall and pure-breeding dwarf plant.

Pls really need hlp about amazon website?

i just brought an ipod just half hour ago but a brought the wrong one wanted to know if i could change the order PLS HLP

I keep getting a yeast infection over and over again. why?

I first got a yeast infection and went to the doctor and got medication for it. and me and my boyfriend had like normal. but then i got it back and after that i got it back again. is it on my boyfriends junk and i keep getting it back from him.? my doctor said it's yeast for sure. she looked at it under a microscope. the symtoms are burning and itching. and i feel bad cas it hurts all the time and i can't have with him now cas it hurts. so whats going on??? thanks

How to solve this chemistry problem?

the two isotopes for chlorine are Cl-35 and Cl-37. 75.8% of chlorine atoms have a m of 35.0 amu and 24.2% have a m of 37.0. calculate the atomic m for chlorine. thanks

How long would this take?

ok i live in NC.if a 6 mile wide asteroid crashed into earth on the other side of the world how long would it take till NC and the rest of america felt the effects?

Is my baby gonna be okay? 10 weeks and 1 day...really scared?!?

hehe if you think your IQ is droppin now, wait till after you have the baby. i think the Drs take a lil of your brain as payment for the baby they give you :)

ins creed 2 the codex room is still locked at the villa, what can I do?

I had three codex pages in my inventory already deciphered and I had to find two more. Well I found the last two and had them deciphered by Leonardo in the villa, but it still said I had to find three more even though I had the three in my inventory; and the room is still locked. Help please.

Any 3 bed room houses for sale for about 80'000 in nottingham or manchester or leeds?

if there you see any good 3 bed room houses in nottingham , manchester , or leeds let me know okay for about 80'000 pounds :)

What are chances of recovery for a person who suffered a mive stroke on 2/3 of her brain's left hemisphere?

Hello, this is the first time I'm writing to you. I am 22 years old and I have a 65 years old grandmother, she is the most important person in my life and love her with all my heart. Unfortunately, she had a mive stroke yesterday morning which had affected two thirds of her brain's left hemisphere. The doctor said we still have to wait to see what's gonna happen with her but I don't know much about the recovery process and want to know if she will get better. I am hopping for the best. She is a strong woman and will fight until the end, even though the doctor said she can't understand what we are saying I know she can, she moves her head when we ask her questions and tears when every time she sees us. Please any information about the recovery process and anything that could help me understand what is going to happen now and what I need to do will be very helpful. God Bless you all!

Are the highways in Dallas Fort Worth as congested on Sundays?

I am moving from Tennessee to El Paso, I will be ping through on Sunday, but not sure the time. Am I going to be seeing a lot of traffic? If I could make a wild guess, I would say around 2pm.

How to create personal servers for India web proxy v.3.2?

Pls somebody should direct me on how to create IWP v3.2 servers. I am resident in Nigeria. I will appreciate if this is done with utmost secerity. MTN service provider in Nigeria have really taken a lot me from. Pls somebody should me. Thanks in anticipation.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Write a balanced equation for aqueous aluminum nitrate + aqueous sodium phosphate ----->?

aqueous aluminum nitrate + aqueous sodium phosphate --------> solid aluminum phosphate + aqueous sodium nitrate

What to do about this girl in my homeroom?

Okay..So there's this girl in my home room, her names' Ali, and like I was nice to her as much as I could be, she's really annoying though, and when we were supposed to be working, she would always try to be talking to me, or asking me for the answers, to which I would tell her that I was busy, and that I couldn't, and she would get all mad, and call me mean. At first, it bothered me, but like now it doesn't, and I don't talk to her at all, but the other day in gym, my friend and I were talking, and this new girl, Hannah, walked up to us, and told us that she was the fastest in the cl. I know, 7th grade, I shouldn't be this immature, but I take things wicked offensively, especially when I have low self-esteem, and running is one of the things that I do best at, and I rolled my eyes to my friend, and was like 'Oh wow.' And then it wouldn't have even bothered me, but then Ali walked up, and was like 'Yeah..I thought you two were the fastest, but Hannah is way faster than you, obviously.' And that made me pretty mad. Like seriously, she had the nerve to do that. I'm one of the fastest in the cl, and Hannah is wicked slow, not trying to be mean or anything, but she is. And today, in study hall, towards the end, Ali invited Hannah over to our study hall, and she came over, and she looked at me, and she was like, 'Who's HE.' He. She seriously called me a guy. I just looked at her, with my, 'Did-you-seriously-just-say-that' face, and she's like, 'Oh, whoops. She.' With like no regard. I don't dress like a guy, or look like I guy. It's not that I have shoulder length hair, or wear make up or a cami showing under my shirt. Seriously. And Ali was like, 'Oh. Her? She's Xxxxxxx.' With a snobby tone to it. And I was like 'Uhm okay?' And I walked over to my friend to talk to her, but as I was walking away, I heard Hannah say, 'Is that the b!tchy one? She seems like it.' And I mean seriously. Seriously?! Stooping that low? I'm not a mean person, to anyone. But like that stuff just makes me mad. And Ali was like, 'Yeah that's her.' Like I couldn't hear or anything. What should I do about them, I don't want to deal with this my first year in Middle School. l: Help Please?

Does this Melo trade benefit all teams involved?

Sounds like a great trade for everyone, which would get them all into the right direction. Good work

My car wont start and its making a clicking noise?

my 97 honda civic wont start when i turn the ignition i hear a clicking noise coming from the dash board on the lower left penger side and on my gauges both the "D4" and "P" (auto matic transmion" are illuminated and flickering in sync with the clicking noise ive already replaced the main relay as it was the location of the clicking noise but the problem still persist please any information would be appreciated

How much bailing out can the govt do?

After Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, homeowners, Bear Stearns, Indy Mac, then probably some more still to come, who much can we bail out until we have to say ok sorry you will go out of business?

What type of dog is Ein from that anime series Space Cowboy Beebop?

If you've ever seen the popular anime series on cartoon network's adult swim, Cowboy Beebop, then you've noticed that the characters own a dog that accompanies them on their spaceship named Ein. What breed of dog is Ein? I'm seriously considering purchasing a dog for my niece, and this is the one she'd love. What breed is it please?

For ladys who have endo and had a laparoscopy?

did any of you have just one incision? im trying to figure out what was done. I was still pretty loopy when my doc told my boyfriend what all he did. My boyfriend said that my doc did find endo and cleared it out. but from what i have read, you usually have other incisions too if they clear out the endo. tube in the belly on for the camera/light, and the at least one other incision for the tool. i only have one incision in my belly on. does that mean that he didnt clear anything out? or was he able to put all the tools through that same hole? also, when i woke up i had some pain in my hoo i asked the nurse and she said its because of a tool the put up there to move the uterus around. has anyone had a lap like this,had endo removed with only a single incision? my post op isn't for 2 weeks, so ill get all my questions then, but i was just Curious.

What is the earliest symptoms you could have when you become pregnant?

You can't physically get pregnancy symptoms until it's been about 8 days or more past ovulation. You cannot test for pregnancy until 10 days after ovulation at the earliest. Most women do not get positives until it's been 14-21 though.

Which of the following sets of elements have the [noble gas]ns2np2 valence electron configuration?

the given electronic configuration is the configuration of group 4A (or 15 in IUPAC convention) so the answer is letter e.

I have a burning feeling sometimes in different parts of my body and?

I was just wondering if I inhaled some propane gas from a grill, when it was taken apart with gas in it ; it made a hissing sound. I was not standing on top of it, but i was a few feet away from the tank. I am so scared. It also seems that steam is coming out of my mouth and nose at times. Please give me your opinion? Thanks!

Am I depressed?? I need some advice, please?

If this has been going on for more than a few weeks, it could very likely be depression. Suicide is a warning sign. You need to receive immediate psychiatric help if you have suicidal thoughts. If you don't enjoy things, you feel worthless, anxious, tired all the time, sad, hopeless, loss of appetite, low self esteem, low self worth etc. I advise you to go to your doctor immediatly. It will only get worse if you don't get help. Listen, you're loved. Your parents love you, your friends love you, your family loves you. Don't let depression affect you. If your dad has depression, it is hereditary. Listen, I think you have depression. I don't know you though. Please Please go to the doctor for a diagnosis. Untreated depression leads to suicide. And you are showing warning signs of suicide and depression. You could very well be suffering, but only your doctor can diagnose. Please have your parents call him.

Which game was more of an upset?

Seahawks, no question, last time a team with only 7 wins in the regular season won a post-season game the season was only 8 games long

In their prime, who was better, Charles Barkley or Elgin Baylor?

Now, before you start telling me that these two were completely different players, let me explain some things. First, they were roughly the same height (around 6'5) and were explosive offensive players who were known for their thunderous dunks and rebounding abilities and overall well-rounded offensive game. Charles played the power forward position and actually Elgin did too, although most people would think he played small forward. Barkley was much bigger than Baylor but both were known to be very strong physically. Defensively, neither were known for their great defense but Barkley was known for his aggressive play, while Wilt Chamberlain wrote in his autobiography that Elgin did not play defense but rather "waited to play offense again" between posessions. So, in the end, who is the greater player overall?

Any Ideas for a Post-Apocalyptic novel?

Since the world is supposed to end in 2 years I feel like writing a novel about what it'll be like AFTER everything is destroyed. I also need some ideas for HOW the world ends- and they dont have to make sense. Asteroids, Earthquakes,Plauge...(zombies?) etc.

I like this girl, but idk if she feels the same. Girl help!?

She seems flaky. I hate to say it, but I would just move on. Find someone consistent, who you know will always love you. Don't settle for a girl who will only love you when she feels like it. You deserve better than that. :)

My short story. final draft. opinions please!?

WOW ! This is a great story ! i like how you didn't reveal that her friend was a guy until the part when she says "Michael". at that moment i knew that he was the one that was going to be to blame for something, at the end. you are a very nice writer =) Keep it up, i think it's awesome. good luck !

My autistic friend believes that his best friend abandoned him, what can i do to help him?

My friend, Tommy, is autistic. He has asperger's syndrome. He was really close to his best friend, whom he called Eevee, after one of her favorite pokemon he told me. He and Eevee would talk everyday, until recently. Apparently, one of his roommates upset her and she hasnt talked to him since that night. He has been very upset and worried about her. Now he thinks she abandoned him and doesnt want to talk to him anymore.. He keeps saying that she said she wouldnt leave him. What should i do to comfort him if she does no longer want to be his friend? Should i try seeing if he will let me contact her?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Can anyone recommend any good sources (books or doentaries) about reducing your carbon footprint?

I am writing a research paper about the things people can do to reduce their carbon footprint and i could really use some good sources. thanks!

Are Spaceships in the Bible?

post some things so I can see what you beleive and visit my site at

Anyone out there related to the holland family from arkansaw?

grandfather's name was willie "spot holland and his wife's name was eugenia ward. theyre both deceased

Does anyone here know Gillian Gibbons from Liverpool?

She is the teddy bear teacher who has just been arrested for allowing her children to name a Teddy Bear 'Mohammed'. Ridiculous I know! I would like to contact her but only know that she is from Aigburth in Liverpool. Can anyone help?

For girls only! PLEASE HELP:( I'm scared?

Hey, I'm 18 but I think I might have a chemical/hormone imbalance. My period is usually very regular but I have have not had my period for about 2 months now. I do not have , but I do "mess around" with my boyfriend. I have taken about 5 pregnancy tests just because I have been freaking out and they have all been negatives. I have been really bloated and tired lately. I have been playing tennis a lot lately, but I don't get why I would be bloated if that was the reason. I am just scared and don't know why I haven't gotten it! Please help me:( Could it be an iron dificiency? And if all tests said negative, is there still a possibility that I am pregnant? Even though I have never had ?....PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help:(( I'm stressing and freaking out abut this. It's all I think about:(

Which girls is pretty?

Rosie is Pretty but taylor is hott! haha if i were a boy id go for taylor. Taylor is edgy and out there. seems very confident. Rosie is incredibly pretty but just doesnt have the spunk to her. Id rather look like myself. but between teh 2 of them id reather look like Taylor.

Do LLC/Partnerships have to distribute all there income?

They are flow through entities and the members pay the taxes but do they have to distribute all the income? Can they just keep like 75% of it to reinvest and then distrubute 25%?

Oyster Card?

go on transport for london .gov and find oyster helpline number and give them a bell transport for london number is 020 7222 1234 they might be able to help

Fun Question about saddles and emo horse?

I think the fun saddles are fun for riding (I don't ride western but god the saddles look comfy!) but stick with the traditional ones for the show. The first one in the 'traditional' is gorgeous and I really like the green and brown saddle you showed.

Why are 99.87% of all creations, inventions, discoveries made by Whites?

It seems as tho nearly all modern day items come from the Christian Whites and Jews. The printing press, eyegles, telescopes, microscopes, guns, vaccines, antibiotics, Xrays, electricity, the radio, typewriter, computer, TV, Boom boxes, basketball, football, baseball, golf, autos, bicycles, airplanes, gasoline engines, diesel engines, jet engines, cameras, discovery of oil and the use of, refining oil, all the elements of the periodic table (except those known to the ancients), the transistor, solar electric cells, flush toilets, air conditioning machines, the cotton gin, caterpillar tractors, lasers, microwaves, the atom bomb, plastics, the list is almost endless.

What does this dream mean? Or represent? No one seemed to know the first time I asked plz?

I was on a yellow school bus that was packed with students. We were going home from school and the last available seats were all up front (uck!). I sat in an empty spot in the second row on the right after asking some kid to switch with me. I noticed that my backpack was extremely heavy and it was weighing me down considerably. Then my friend Jacob got on the bus and sat next to me. We were talking but I don't remember what we said. Then I pulled two extremely heavy, metal, silver and bronze, old looking windchime things and asked him to hold them for me. He said "sure" and put them in his bag, my bag was no longer too heavy for me to hold. Then the bus stopped and I got off and walked to my house. Then it was time for bed and I went to sleep. I had a dream about this guy Hunter and me dating and I woke up(in the dream still) and texted the entire dream to my best friend Syd. Only I got an incoming text and accidentally sent my dream to that number instead of Syd. I didn't know it though. Then a few minutes later the number texted me back and asked me "when did you have that dream?" I knew it wasn't Syd but curiousity got the better of me and I pretended like I thought it was Syd. I said "a few minutes ago." Then the number texted me back and was like "which Hunter?" I texted "Loupe." Then it texted me back and was like "i'm Hunter." I texted "oh". Then he texted something back and we kept texting for a long time but I don't remember the rest of the convo. In the dream I started getting ready to go somewhere and I think I was going to meet Hunter or it had something to do with him. Then I woke up. What do you think it means?

Is trafficking really as widespread and as commonplace as the media says it is?

I agree that it is a horrible thing when it does happen. I simply wonder how common people think it is....

What should i have done?

My daughter is one years old. Today at daycare, another child wanted her pacifier and grabbed it out of her mouth, which resulted in her getting a scratch on her face. I talked to the teacher about what happened, and she was apologetic. Should I have cursed everyone out? Should I have demanded that she be put in another room? Should I have waited for the other child's mother to come so I could ask her to cut fingernails? Was I too lenient?

Is this: a virus?

i want to download virtual villager 4, but i don't want any damage to my computer. I have google chrome and i have a spyware terminator.

Which Hair curling Irons?

Large barrel curling iron, revlon makes a great one you can find at walmart for around 15 bucks. It can get really hot, really quickly, so it will curl your hair faster. I love this curling iron.

Ionic bonds and covalent bonds?

hey does anyone know anything bout ionic bonds or covalent bonds and possibly wat the difference is betweent the two and can anyone explain how they lose and gain electrons,,thankss =]

Girls are evil ?!?

cuz she wants you to keep liking her, but she wants to keep her boyfrnd...Girls feel powerful when more guys like them, so thats y...She mite actually kinda like her though, but if I were you i would go for someone else. Good Luck!

Which shops in Plymouth, UK can I find Cybergoth style foam falls?

Can anyone tell me where I can find Cybergoth hair extensions. I need some for the prom. Help will be much appreciated.


(2X)^2 most probably means (in words),that the number in the bracket (in this case 2X) has to be squared so (2X)^2 = 2 times 2 times X times X. Normally this is written 4X^2

How do you stop programs from auto loading on a pda??

I have been given a pda for work, symbol mc 35, made by motorola, and we are testing it but i want to know how i can stop the software we use for work fromn auto loading... if i reset it i get about 30 seconds to play with the settings before the program loads. we are trialing the pda to see if it is any good and i want to access the pda software its self.

Physics : why do different radioactive sources (gama, alpha, beta) go through different materials.?

Alpha particles ( helium nuclei) are stopped by tissue paper, and Beta particles (electrons) are stopped by a few millimetres of perspex --because their size and energies mean they will hit a nucleus or electron in the shielding material ,relatively quickly.Gamma radiation , however, consists of electro magnetic radiation or photons . These are so small and energetic , that it takes a large thickness of even a dense material such as lead , having a large nucleus and a high electron density , to slow / stop them.

Twilight song ( DIEING TO KNOW!)?

Dose anyone know what song edward is play on the piano in the movie when he brings bella to his house , after there tree flying adventure lmao , cause i want it sooo bad , i heard its called " Bella's lullaby squeals" but i cant find it anywhere!!

Tell me if you like this poem?

Wow, that is awesome! You have a gift. Whoever you wrote that for will treasure it forever. Keep up the good work! It puts a picture in your mind and I wanna keep reading. What you wrote is so true.

What is the exact way Tracy McGrady shoots a basketball?

what is T-Mac shooting form , i just wanna know and i dont want yall to say **** like HAVE YO OWN FORM

How can you tell if a guys masturbating while talking to you?

well most of the time guys while sit talking to you with his hands in his pocket or at least it looks like it but how can you tell if he's masturbating when he's talking to you or even under a quilt or blanket how can you tell he is? and why would he do it if he was having a normal conversation? x

The story of Jonah in the Fishes Belly / Parable or real life?

anyone stupid enough to believe that a man ACTUALLY resided in a freaking whale/big fish belongs in a mental institution.

What is the uk law regarding police informants?

A police informant has made a false allegations against me.The police are bending over backwards to suppress his background and criminal history.I am told that even if this went to a jury they could hide this fact from the jurors but the judge could be told about the informant by letter but would also not disclose any details about the informant and would sit back and see a misccarriage of justice!I Is this correct and what are the safeguards against informants providing false evidence?

How would you record the journal entry for an income tax liability payable next year?

Although there are other possible answers (depending if there are deferred taxes involved and whether the expense has been recorded already) in a simple case it would be a debit to tax expense, credit to income tax payable.

Fergie flute music?

hi does any one know a free site or anyyyyyyyyyyyyyyything that i could get flute music on from fergie akon ciara rihanna ect...?

Do you think nicole richy has changed?

i was watching her on tv and she was talking about how she wants God to be part of her babies life and how things have changed in her life so much in the last you think that she will go back to the party ways w/ brit lindsay and paris or will become a great mom?

Weight Loss Question...?

1.) If i dont eat 1500 calories per day my body will go into "Starvation mode" and begin to not burn calories but conserve.... Is this true? Or would i actually lose weight if i cut my caloric intake? 2.) Drinking only water helps as well... If i drink water to death will this help? How much weight can i figure to lose on a weekly level if i keep my caloric intake below 1500 and not do exercise? Will i lose weight?

ADvent laptop charger problems?

it had happened to me dont try puting in your charger in because i did that and my laptop stopped working take it to where you got it from and tell them to fix it :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Is this American Propaganda?

No, I don't believe the pop version of history is propoganda, but unless you can show proof to back up all these allegations, I consider this propaganda.

Odd coincidence?

Aside from lindajune's incredibly right answer, even if the numbers were right, sometimes there are, in fact, coincidences. And they are just that. Coincidences.

Poll: do you think this is something to be proud of.?

hell yeah impressive! altho...u do seem to have alot of time but then agian so do I and at least you do something with it!

TV Show "The Game"?

I had not realized that The Game was now coming on on Sunday nights. Nevertheless, I have missed the entire season. One of my friends brought me up to speed for the most part and I watched what I could online on the cw. The last episode I watched was the one where Derwin and Malik were leaving to fly to LA while Melanie was there as well as TT having a good time. Is the next episode the season finale? If not, where can I see the next episode and the finale as well?

I'm short sighted, can i still have contact lenses?

Most people are myopic (short sighted) so the selection of contacts is very good for you. I have the less common hyperopia with astigmatism and finding lenses that work for me has been a challenge, though I'm very happy with my current lenses. As long as your eyes are otherwise healthy you have no worries.

How do you find the molality of this problem?

You have prepared a solution composed of 77.00 percent ethanol (C2H5OH; density, 0.789 g/mL) and 23.00 percent water by m (the molar mes of ethanol and water are and 46.07 and 18.02 g/mol). The concentration of the solution expressed as the molality of water in ethanol is:

You cannot view this question at this time?

I think I just got blocked. I've been blocked by so many people, it's not even a surprise to me anymore.

Do you consider "evolutionary creationism" a subset or a synonym of theistic evolution?

Many Bible-believing American Evangelicals are using the evolutionary creationist term to describe themselves, not only because it preserves the emphasis they wish to place on the CREATIONISM idea, but because they believe that the "theistic evolution" label encompes a very wide and diverse spectrum of people and viewpoints (many of which are far from Biblical inerrancy and Christian orthodoxy). BUT WHAT DO YOU THINK? DO YOU DISLIKE THE E.C. TERM? IF SO, WHY?

I am in agony. What should i do?

Try applying some ice but wrap it up first not applying it direct. It is most likely a pile or an abscess. Local anaesthetic could take the edge off pile pain(I'm uming you won't have that) but you need to take paracetamol and or brufen uming you have no problems taking these medications. Ride it out till morning or NHS 24 phone number is 08454242424.

The man who was poe by Avi?

The man who was poe by Avi. i have to read this book over the summer and answer questions? its due when school starts in august. Sooo i need a summary of this book with DETAILS and info on the characters. So thanks in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is Santa Claus real.?

Yes he is son, you didn't got a nice present cos you were , now next time sit on santas lap and you will get a biiiiig present!

Is it safe to eat unopened jars of food after their sell by date?

in this day and age of ultra super health and safety (sometimes OTT in my opinion) do you think it would be safe to eat unopened gl jars or cans of food 2 - 3 years after their sell by dates...i.e curry pastes, pickled veg etc. anything that would have been packaged and processed using todays high food standard technologies?? haven't tins of food been found dating back to WWII been perfectly edible? reason for Q is that a relative recently died and i found loads of jars of unopened goods which on initial observation look fine but am a bit weary whether or not to cook with them. i dont like wasting food and feel guilty just throwing it all out. your thoughts please! Thank you

World cup qualifiers?

I agree with you on all but Spain ahead of Turkey (and much as this hurts to say it Croatia ahead of England ,and finally Ronabia ahead of France

My sister's lexus was "keyed" causing major damage exceeding $5,000. she did not file a police report.?

her younger sister caused the damage intnetionally. the police were called out but my sister would have been arrested and her two small children would have been taken away by social services. obviously no one wanted that to happen. how may my sister collect monetary damages to have her car restored? my sister (the automobile owner cannot afford an attorney). please help!

Is this particular Chopin Piece copy-write free?

I would like to get Chopin's Raindrop Prelude but i'm not sure if its copywrite free? Chopin died over 150 years ago. So I was wondering if his original music is copywrited? Thank you for the answer!

What are some good songs with fast beats?

I really like fist pumping worthy music like "girls on the dance floor" by far east movement or "b down low" by Dev but I need some more like that but can't find any. I also really like songs like "club can't handle me" by flo rida (feat. David Guetta) Thanks :)

What Army Base is the best. ?

I'm going to be transferring in the Active Army via the (CAD) Call to Active Duty for Warrant Officers in the Reserves / National Guard. I have 3 daughters and a (Nurse) wife. I'm a 890A Ammunition Warrant. Has anyone had much time at Redstone Arsenal or anyplace you would recommend that would be good for the family and kids. Anyplace you could recommend where the wife could land a decent Nursing job. Thanks for any insight.


nope. Ever heard a song by the band Rush, called "The Trees"? The maples were unhappy because the oaks grabbed up all the light. And the oaks couldn't understand why the maples couldn't be happy in their shade. So the maples formed a union, and they ped a noble law. Now the Trees are all kept equal, by hatchet, axe, and saw!!! Never before or since has anyone ever summed up affirmative action any better!

Which one of these desktops would you choose? mainly for gaming?

Number 3 is the most up to date model out of those besides the graphics card. also It is reccommended that you don't do any SLI or Crossfire because they will not be supported in the future with Windows 7

I need to know how i can sue Mexico?

I want to sue Mexico for wrongful illegal invasion and infestation causing my life as well as many other Americans to be unpleasant and painful. Living in the U.S. has become unbearable because of the overwhelming flood draining all resources now not available to the American people causing bodily harm and mental stress. For illegal drug trafficking and sale of illegal drugs to cause bodily harm. And for defamation of character including slander (wrongfully accused of racism and being Nazi) by Mexican citizens in U.S. illegally. And for laws unconstitutional to me and the American people.

Help I have a phsyco as a friend and my husband is just as bad?

I have known a friend of mine for a while and over the last year or so I felt sorry for her because she suffers with Bipolar and because of this has lost a lot of friendships due to her threatening them or abusing them she has two young children and has to cope on her own. Lately though she is really getting to me and I just want to stay away as I am under enough stress at home as it is but she is very vindictive and nasty and the only reason i keep going there now on a weekly basis is because if she gets cranky with me she will make up stories and turn up at my house and say **** about me to my husband (who mind you is just as psycho ) and he would believe her and probably harm me. Im sick of being scared of everybody and trying to keep everybody happy to prevent being hurt and the only reason i do this is because I have 3 children that are my life and I never want them to be hurt emotionally or physically. The day I get the guts to leave my husband is the day i can stand up to everyone else. does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get this girl out of my life without her loosing it. she is that much of a trouble maker she actually rings police on people with false allegations.

How will the kane and lynch 2 multiplayer ranking system work?

i've played the demo and i doubt that it's the same as that one cause i already got to level three in 2 hours!

Say you accidently have outside of marriage-can Jesus forgive you and help you live morally? Im Jew4Jesus!

"Accidentally" had outside of marriage. Wow, now that's good. I think I'll use that one. Do you think my wife will go for it?

Creationists who want Creationism in the clroom: Please help me with a lesson plan?

How do you want me to teach creationism? What lab activities do you recommend? What should my objectives be?

Help with my sister-anorexia nervosa...?

I am part of a program that has helped thousands of people release extra weight. It is a total body cleanse, wellness program. Please check it out. The best website is Watch "Are You Toxic" and "Cleansed for Life." Also watch the "100 Pound Club." I am not implying that you have that much weight to lose, but there are amazing testimonials in that video.

Whats the name of a movie where a guy gets killed then returns and kills his killers by crashing his car?

i think the movie was from the late 80's or early 90's, the car was black. one scene i remember is the good guy drives his car into a barn and blows up the bad guy scientist/mechanic, then reappears down the road

Someone who can fix my blower in my fireplace?

my blower doesnt blow that good and wondering if if a better one can be put in so i can feel the heat

Dont the Dallas Mavericks resemble the Philadelphia Eagles?

boy you just read my mind. mix of eagles with cowboys. yeah, a tail of eagles and cowboys called "The choke boys"

Is the Kerry Blue Terrier the right size for an apartment?

I am thinking of getting a Kerry Blue Terrier, but I don't know how big it will get. I live in a one bedroom apartment! Please help!

What do you think of my nail polish?

the link isn't working so i cant even see it but, just to let you know, nyc nail polish chips reallllly easily. you should buy a longer lasting brand like sally hansen or something

Why the Americans talk about human rights and Democratic to other nations blind to Israeli killings .?

Americans and allies always talk about other nations humanright and democratic matters.When it comes to their allies they totally blind and deaf.Look what they are doing in Iraq, Afghanistan, matters their troops are killing hundreds of innocent pepoles,in name of Democratic.If americans Allies and jews kill thats called Democratic.WHY Cant Americans stop the JEWS state ISREAL from its arragont barbariyn style of attacks on pelastinianpepoles . when IRAQ attacks Kuwait Americans and allies joint hand to against IRAQ.why did this Americans and allies push the JEWS Israeli forces to their orginal borders wich given to them by Pelastinian and ARABS.where is DEMOCRATIC JUSTICE HUMANRIGHTS.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What type of vingar are you to damp mop wodden floors with? White vingar that you make salads with? or wine ?

At work when I used to clean floors I believe it was white distilled vinegar, mixed with water not just straight vinegar.

What do you think of this poem?

I think its the most long winded self indulgent thing ive read since the last whinning self indulgent poem I read before this one. Poetry = art not bitching.

Have i lost it all?

My guess is that some how the reset or format of frames was engaged and that is why you lost all the data, I did the exact same thing and was unable to retrieve the data, I thought I would cry, oh, I actually did cry!

Would this be a valid law suit?

I work in a restaurant where we use the big restaurant tea/coffee makers. These have a faucet at the top of them that pours out SCALDING water. I am unsure of the temperature, but it gave me second/borderline third degree burns. I had filled a cup with the water to pour into our silverware buckets that I had to change before I could leave for the day. The cup slipped from my hand and scorched my . I am a young female so this has taken a HUGE financial and emotional toll on me. The recovery has been long and painful and I still have a long road ahead of me. I filed for workers comp so hopefully that will help. My point however, is that these machines are in the front of the house of the restaurant. The one that I was using is less than 3 feet from a table where customers sit to eat. Although a customer shouldn't touch it, it is accessible to them. The water, in my opinion, is unnecessarily hot. I also believe that something pouring out water like that shouldn't be in the front of the restaurant. The handle you lift says "Lift for hot water," but there is no caution about just how hot it is. I do realize that it was my accident because it slipped from my hand and I am not necessarily looking for monetary compensation. I really would like to see these companies either lower the temperature of the water being dispensed, take the faucet off the machine, or not keep them in the front of the house. I want to call a lawyer but wanted to get others opinions first. Please keep in mind that these burns are no small ordeal. It has required me to take 3 weeks off work so far, and I am a single mom. I can't go outside AT ALL and my car has to be pre-cooled before I can get in for risk of over heating because I p out. I can't be in sun for at least 6-12 months. I have to apply lotions and antibiotics 4-5 times a day, redress the wounds every 4 hours, mage the burn 3 times a day, and deal with the awful pain. I have a 1 year old daughter and for 2 weeks I wasn't able to pick her up or hold her because of the pain. Because of my pain meds, I can't be alone with her or drive. My s will be permanently scarred (and it is a sizable scar). They want to do laser resurfacing to help the scarring but that will mean 3 or 4 treatments. They put you to sleep for each treatment and there is recovery time ociated with that as well. It has really damaged my way of life and I don't want to see it happen to someone else. I just want to know if there is anything I can do. Thanks in advance.

Should I delete LIMEWIRE?

I have used limewire for about a year now and the only different thing that has happened is that my computer is running slower yet i don't know if its because of limewire. I heard limewire is dangerous why is this said? Do you think i should delete it? What other program can i use instead of limewire that IS safe and fast. I have Ares but i think it sucks so what can i use and what are the disadvantages?

How do I get rid of the smell of thawed fish from my car carpet, Please! Asked by desperate kabikuschi!?

I went shopping on Friday and bought a packet of frozen fish. On Saturday I looked in my refridgerator for the fish and couldn't find any which was strange because I remembered buying fish! It was too late, I had forgotten it in my car!! I now have this dreadful smell of old fish in my car, it's unbearable!! My husband has removed the carpet which was recently replaced but the smell/ stench remains! How can I clean the carpet and how can I get rid of the smell? Please help soon! from kabikuschi( desperate:-(!!

Who owns afl and cricket teams in australia?

i was wondering if its the same as with football(soccer) teams in the uk, or are they owned by fans, like in spain?

How do you find someone you're not looking for?

By not looking for them and running into them incidentally. If you "find" them, obviously at one point or another you're looking or your awareness wouldn't land on them to begin with. Unless of course they present themselves, but that's their doing not yours and thus no need for concern. I hear if you want to attract things, subconsciously you can bring it towards you by congruently (in thought, word, and action) feeling as it exists now for the subconscious (the connector to the superconscious mind) knows not thought from reality. This is all merely speculation of course and if you don't believe it 100% it will not work until you do. So with that in mind, perhaps if nothing else works you'll give it a try. You can always go back to trying other things afterwards should something go amiss. Really it's Frame control. Control of the only thing in this life that will ever jurisdict what is real for you - your perspective. Reality is an agreement of what exists. You choose your own every second by choosing what you will believe because of and in correspondence with any and all proof that you may see towards that end! Essentially all things are thoughts brought to create the physical counterbalance to the nonphysical essence (every action having it's equal and opposite reaction - makes sense to me) What you could try is forgetting those labels terms and definitions for a short duration and test out what your life would be like if you controlled all the factors - including the reasonings and the logic behind your own experiences - I find it always works out for the best for me when I do it that way. And it's always the most real because you really truly believe it. You can't go wrong, and that's the power of that little theory I stated earlier. In their quintessential stages, everything is a frame. Everything umes something. When one panicks their under the strong congruent umption or belief that something is in chaos or out of order. By asking questions, one umes the frame of being in a state of confusion or unknowing. Truly the frame creates the cirstances more or less than the cirstances themselves mean anything. So more or less than answering any question you may have would be a good intention to recreate the frames of mind you hold things in. Say your ideology about strangers or your perceived confusion about what you want for an answer. Frame things up differently and it all changes for you. This is your life. You run this show. You tell people how to treat you, you tell you (through your actions which communicate umptions to your subconscious) how to genuinely feel about life. You create this experience of yours from nearly start to finish in some collateral way or another. Use this power, in order to make something you're very pleased with and it will be an absolute dream for you for you strike me as someone who is very bright and creative.

Billy Graham is a registered Democrat... is it true?

I think it was Billy Graham's son that said that his father is a Democrat, and he is a Republican. It surprised me... is it true, and if so, does anyone know the story behind it? (Since Evangelicals are almost always Republican)

I have a winchester model 70 30-06 springfield SN#296903. i was wondering when it was made and how much worth?

You might try asking a firearms dealer. They usually have books that list manufacture date, ociated serial numbers with the date of manufacture, and any characteristics that make the gun unique. If it is a pre-1964 Winchester, it is very valuable if in good condition. The rarest model 70 is chambered in .358 Winchester. They are easily worth $2000

Can you sue if an organization uses an image of you without your consent?

A non profit organization used my image for advertising in a few local newspapers and it is on the cover of their brochure, but I never signed a consent form (phot release). Would I have a case in court if I decided to sue said organization?

I need help for translation and corection this text in english?

You can use the babylon for this purpose. Its the best translator in my opinion: a href="" rel="nofollow"

What should I do with this guy that I like?

Ok so this guy in my homeroom started talking to me on facebook and I fell in love with him because he said things that he cared about me and we talked like very night and he said that o I worked for this guy and he had a huge house and how he was working for his uncle and stuff I geuss to impress me and then all of a sudden he didn't talk to Me for a month and now I have his phone # and now I talk to him alot but he is saying o my girlfriend broke up with me so then I start to flurt and then a month later he gets another girlfriend but he still a little I feel like he likes me but he isn't asking me out what should I do to make him like me again or ask me out!?!?!?

Guy I think is really into me, but flailing, do I help, or does that hurt his ego?

Hey this guy seems like a good guy and I RARELY says this (I'm a guy, so how often do you see guys complimenting other guys) anyway my advice is be supportive of him, and also if you want to spend time with him, its easy, go into his schedule, what do I mean? Ex: Eat at his place so that he doesn't have to go out, lose time and money. Help him with his laundry, that way he can do it faster and you get to spend time with him. Go do groceries with him. Etc..

Why do you suppose this happens?

Exactly like the notice says, "Automated Violation Notice Email". A computer program scans each question for words or phrases that it has been told to flag and then it automatically deletes the question. A human moderator never even saw the case.

Help with an essay about gay marriage..please?

maybe the fact that we do not live in a theocracy (gov ruled by religion) and that well deserved equal rights should be given not put up for a public vote in a democracy...

AFL OK with Suspended Players playing tribute match..?

What do you think? Should suspended players be allowed to play or is a ban a ban.. Its not a season game but its a telecasted AFL match..

My system showing "Data execution prevention" error.?

i tried Turned on DEP and checked the programs listed there in Data Execution prevention tab.. i don't like to do this and needs to solve it fully...because i tried changing OS but the problem still can i rectify it without these DEP option?

Would Justin Bieber still be famous if he didn't look the way he does now?

All the girls love him, but I'm wondering if they still would love his music if he was unattractive to them. Same goes for Jonas Brothers, Miley, Zac Efron, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, get what I'm saying.

What sins did Jesus go to hell for & why was his eternal punishment only 3 days?

YAHUSHUA went to the grave for all the sins of every person. He was totally dead until the Heavenly Father called Him back to life. Just as sin and sinners will be totally dead in the lake of fire. (though they will not be called back to life, but will be totally destroyed so YAHUSHUA can make all things new, and very good.)

A Question About Tattoos?

On the 'Charmed' tattoo, you want one point pointed up. The 'Footprints' tattoo is fine. It's fairly popular as a tattoo. By the way, it isn't a 'tramp stamp', like one girl said. It's a lower back tattoo. That name is kept alive by narrow minded geeks who aren't getting any, and a few hateful girls. Take care.

Technically, isn't an LLC double taxed too - the income and self-employment tax?

LLC does not get taxed at company level. C-Corp gets taxed at company level. SE tax is the whole SS and Medicare tax which C-Corp itself has to pay half of it anyways. So LLC is still better off than C-Corp for tax purposes.

Friendship disasters!!! please help!!?

try to connect with her and her boyfriend. or try and meet some new ppl. ive been in a situation like that to and i understand. best of luck!!!!

What are your thoughts on this on the perceptions of women's strengths?

"Eagly and Mladinic (1993) pointed out that the favorable, communal traits ascribed to women (e.g., nurturing, helpful, and warm) suit them for domestic roles, whereas men are presumed to possess the traits ociated with competence at high-status roles (e.g., independent, ambitious, and competitive). Furthermore, women’s stereotypically communal attributes are also the traits of deference that, when enacted in daily interaction, place a person in a subordinate, less powerful position (Ridgeway, 1992). Thus, the favorable traits attributed to women may reinforce women’s lower status."