Thursday, August 11, 2011

Breaking up with my boyfriend/ taking a break did I do whats best?

So me and my boyfriend have been in a relationship for about 2years. We love eachother very much, but we have been going through so many problems right now. Like I have serious trusting issues with him and its driving me so crazy. I have so much anger build up towards him because last summer he was a terrible boyfriend. OMFG, we didnt see eachother all summer because he got layed off his job. I didnt punish him for that noone saw that coming. But god he didnt call me, he just seemed so distant from me, all he would do was text me. And we are in a long distance relationship so calling is very important. i was so depressed and stressed out I was almost at my breaking point. I demanded that I talk to his friends last summer to find out what the hell was he doing but they said that he talks about me alot they knew alot about me so I know that he isnt really hiding anything from me. I recently spoke to his friend Ariel, because my boyfriend wanted me to talk to him, which was a sign that he wants to prove to me that he is being a faithful boyfirend but for me it isnt enough. to make a long story short I told him that I wanted to take a break because I feel so bipolar when I am with him. One minute I love him so much and he is the best boyfriend ever and then the next minute I want to strangle him and make him hurt as much as he mad me hurt. I cannot let go of the past because the past is effecting our future because I cant trust himand its his fault that I cant trust him.

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