Tuesday, August 16, 2011

If your coworkers husband had the swine flue would you have issues working with her?

I would have no issue if I was immunized for this virus and also took all the needed safety precautions, but if I wasn't yes of course I would most definitely have an issue with it as it can live outside the body for up to 48 hours on nonporous environmental surfaces and 12 hours on porous surfaces before it becomes inert. You are talking about a deadly flu virus that can kill someone in less than 24 hours. Why would anyone take that risk with their life to say nothing of spreading it to others, family members and especially children. The wife should obviously stay at home or be sent home until the incubation period is over. Life is just so precious and I do not understand why people would not get this vaccine knowing it can and will save lives. It has already killed to many people and one is far to many in my books. This is serious stuff and remaining in ignorance or shoving it aside will only have serious negative repercussions.

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