Sunday, August 7, 2011

How do you find someone you're not looking for?

By not looking for them and running into them incidentally. If you "find" them, obviously at one point or another you're looking or your awareness wouldn't land on them to begin with. Unless of course they present themselves, but that's their doing not yours and thus no need for concern. I hear if you want to attract things, subconsciously you can bring it towards you by congruently (in thought, word, and action) feeling as it exists now for the subconscious (the connector to the superconscious mind) knows not thought from reality. This is all merely speculation of course and if you don't believe it 100% it will not work until you do. So with that in mind, perhaps if nothing else works you'll give it a try. You can always go back to trying other things afterwards should something go amiss. Really it's Frame control. Control of the only thing in this life that will ever jurisdict what is real for you - your perspective. Reality is an agreement of what exists. You choose your own every second by choosing what you will believe because of and in correspondence with any and all proof that you may see towards that end! Essentially all things are thoughts brought to create the physical counterbalance to the nonphysical essence (every action having it's equal and opposite reaction - makes sense to me) What you could try is forgetting those labels terms and definitions for a short duration and test out what your life would be like if you controlled all the factors - including the reasonings and the logic behind your own experiences - I find it always works out for the best for me when I do it that way. And it's always the most real because you really truly believe it. You can't go wrong, and that's the power of that little theory I stated earlier. In their quintessential stages, everything is a frame. Everything umes something. When one panicks their under the strong congruent umption or belief that something is in chaos or out of order. By asking questions, one umes the frame of being in a state of confusion or unknowing. Truly the frame creates the cirstances more or less than the cirstances themselves mean anything. So more or less than answering any question you may have would be a good intention to recreate the frames of mind you hold things in. Say your ideology about strangers or your perceived confusion about what you want for an answer. Frame things up differently and it all changes for you. This is your life. You run this show. You tell people how to treat you, you tell you (through your actions which communicate umptions to your subconscious) how to genuinely feel about life. You create this experience of yours from nearly start to finish in some collateral way or another. Use this power, in order to make something you're very pleased with and it will be an absolute dream for you for you strike me as someone who is very bright and creative.

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